The theme, being, 'Jesus in 3D', was one which didn't make sense to me at first but after some conversations and meetings I was on a good ground of understanding to what I needed to be doing.
I immediately booked my uncle's photography studio and found two willings models to help me out. The shoot it self was really easy and didn't take too long at all. Because the brief gave me so much flexibility to do what I wanted when it came to the photo shoot, the time we had was enjoyable and really fun.
Then it was straight into Lightroom and Photoshop to edit and super impose 3D colours into my models glasses that they were wearing. Part of the brief was to add in the signs saying 'Jesus in 3D' via photoshop to give it a slight cartoonish effect.
So I hope you like the final products. I have added in a few shots from the photo shoot as they also make me laugh every time I look at them.
Keep a close eye on my blog as there will be more work with Joshua Generation being published soon and also a project I am going to be undertaking with Jesus Culture this October.
If you would like to see more of my work, why not visit my website! I am also on Facebook so go check that out also!